Town Councilwoman, Susan Sprachman announces her resignation effective 9/16/2020.


During our Town Board meeting last evening 8/18/2020, Town Councilwoman, Susan Sprachman announced her resignation effective 9/16/2020. We appreciate her outstanding service to the residents of the town. The town board will appoint a new board member who will serve until 12/31/2021. Letters of interest should be sent to our Town Clerk, Heather Moody at [email protected] or Po Box 217 Stone Ridge.

Dear Rich, Daisy, Don, and Eric,

This is not the letter you want to receive, but I'm afraid it is one I have to send. When I contemplated running for Town Board, I had reservations and almost pulled out just before the nominating petition was handed in. I worried about the toll public office would take on me given my age {70s), various physical issues, and my desire to preserve time for my family. But I agreed to take on the run and to give it my all because I believed I could help change the divisive culture that had developed within the town. I saw a lack of communication between the Town Board and residents, a lack of civility on many sides, and I blamed the town administration. I thought that while I did not have experience with town government and had lived here fewer years than others who had served, that my ability to bring together in meaningful dialogue diverse groups and conciliatory nature would be an asset to town government and relations with residents.
I have found that this is not the case. I ran because I wanted to improve the lives of my fellow residents in Marbletown, but instead find that the small number of people who get involved in town issues focus on being divisive and there is a constant need to placate factions. This is not productive and thwarts the council from moving forward on the truly important matters that I had hoped to be a part of. Further, this impacts the entire council and its mission negatively. I feel I cannot facilitate communications when the parties are not open to discussion. I feel that every week brings on another battle, big and small, meaningful, and seemingly meaningless. And engaging in these battles has been sapping my energy and keeping me from doing any of the work for the town that I had imagined I'd be doing. Each day feels like it is spent dodging accusations and challenges, trying to go around roadblocks-- leaving little or no time to think of issues I care about such as senior housing, noise control, preserving our greenspaces and making the town more walkable.
I am thus, regretfully, resigning as a member of the Town Board effective Sept. 16. I am resigning because at this point in my life I don't have the patience or the energy to engage in these battles. I am resigning out of frustration. It is time for me to go back into retirement and recharge to face the difficult COVID months ahead, and to cherish the time with my family.
I resign knowing that the town is in good hands. Rich, I ran a heated campaign against you, but I find you to be an excellent town manager. Daisy, Don, and Eric -you know how I feel about working with you. You work at an incredibly high level on issues related to the town infrastructure-keeping High Falls safe, considering town buildings, thinking of the needs of our Fire Companies and First Aid Squad. And you have certainly contributed more to these issues more than I have, so I know they will be well cared for.

Susan Sprachman