2015 Marbletown Trails Committee Activities

2015 Year End Report

This year the trails team focused on erosion prevention, drainage improvements and trail resurfacing. Trail widening and fallen or leaning tree removals went on as required by committee members. The beaver pond and dams continued to be a nuisance that had to be remedied almost weekly during the Spring and Fall wet seasons.

Specific jobs were as follows:

Install drainage ditch approximately 1,000 feet; recover and open up 16" cast iron drainage pipe south of Rest Plaus road resulting significant drying and improvement of the trail in that segment. Work done by Garland Excavation, much of it Pro Bono.

Annual drainage improvement of the area south of Cottekill road for about 1,000 feet. Also another 1,000 feet north of Marcott trail head. This work coordinated by the chair with the work done by Ulster County probation department’s community service group.

Resurfacing of approximately 500' of trail by Highway Dept. north of the Damon crossing north of Leggett road. Huge improvement for walking and biking. Done with trail budget dollars.

Repair of eroded embankment at Benjamin Brook large culvert near Rondout Manufacturing. Work done by Highway Dept. with trail budget dollars.

Removal of large stump at intersection of Boice’s driveway; recover and open 12" cast iron culvert at same location. Work done by committee.

Resurfacing of Leggett road trail entry for approximately 200' covering protruding roots and filling in wet areas. Done by Highway with trail budget dollars..

Scheduled mowing of the 8.7 mile trail during mowing season resulting in significant widening of the trail. This well done work was done by highway.

The chair attended monthly Ulster County Trails Advisory Committee monthly meetings.

The chair coordinated the initial year of O&W rail trail coalition of municipalities monthly meetings. New trail maps and signage are currently being developed by this group. Initial trail signs for Hurley (engraved by USHECO at no charge) earmarking the trail to Kingston have been completed and will be installed soon.

The committee has just received a $2100 grant for kiosk map design and replacement from the Mohonk Preserve.

Happy to report that the Boy Scout Eagle Project of scout Andrew Davis for erecting a new kiosk at Rest Plaus road and reroofing the kiosks at Rte. 213 and Leggett road has been completed. Soon there will be a redesigned sign to complement these kiosks done by the committee.

Thanks to our Highway Department, The UC Probation Department, Garland Excavation, USHECO of Rosendale, Marian McCorkle Design, the Mohonk Preserve and of course our very active Marbletown O&W Rail Trail Committee team members.

Respectfully submitted,

Carl Pezzino, Chair