2016 Marbletown Trails Committee Activities

Once again your Committee spent their time in 2016 maintaining and upgrading the 8.7 miles that comprises the Marbletown portion of the O&W Rail Trail in Ulster County. The following upgrades were performed.

New color maps of the entire trail from Kingston to Ellenville were installed on our trail kiosks at Marcott, Cottekill, Leggett, Rte 213 and Rest Plaus trail heads. Funding for the design and production of the maps was provided by a grant from the Mohonk Preserve.

Rail Trail Kiosk

Over a thousand linear feet of stone (Item4) was paved from the Cottekill trail head south. It provides a smooth surface to walk or bike and adds drainage height to the trail bed. The work was performed by the town's highway department with funds from the trail budget. Additional Item4 was also paved near the Leggett Road trail head.

All trail head gates were cleaned and repainted red by a volunteer crew of the Ulster County Realtors Association in the Spring.

The kiosks at the Marcott, Cottekill, Leggett and Rte. 213 trail heads were releveled and reroofed. The work was done by contract from the trails budget. The roofs at Leggett and Rte. 213 were done by Eagle Scout Andrew Davis as part of his project.

Rail Trail New Map Kiosk

The silos at the Cottekill trail head were painted by contract with funds from the trails budget.

Rail Trail Silos

Our trail volunteers contributed many hours of their time and equipment (chainsaws, pickups, hand tools, etc.) toward keeping the trail open year round. The Ash Borer disease continues to plaque the area and the dead trees left by the disease has led to additional work party clean ups. The volunteers spent additional hours keeping the side walls of the trail trimmed back.

Rail Trail Tree Cutting

Our highway department was called in to take on the task of cleaning up after two large tree falls on the trail. Heavy equipment had to be brought in to assist in the work. This work was paid for by the trails budget.

Continued bi-weekly mowing of the trail by the highway department contributed greatly to the general neatness of the trail and reduced tick and poison ivy incidence.

Rail Trail Mowing

Community Service of Ulster County provided drainage ditch remediation along the Cottekill portion of the trail.

The chair attended the monthly meetings of the Ulster County Trail Advisory Committee; and lead the way to the formal creation of the O&W Rail Trail Coalition of Municipalities. As a result, a grant sponsored by Hudson Valley Greenway and submitted by the Town of Marbletown and co-applied for by the Coalition will provide newly designed brochures for the trail in the Spring. The brochures will also be partially funded by a grant from Ulster County Tourism.

Rail Trail Pond - Repectfully submitted by Carl Pezzino…Chair, Marbletown O&W Rail Trail Committee
Repectfully submitted by Carl Pezzino…Chair, Marbletown O&W Rail Trail Committee

Thanks so much to the Marbletown Highway Dept. for the time and labor put into resurfacing the Marbletown Rail Trail just south of Cottekill Rd, before the hill and bridge. When you get a chance, check it out! Also, we can't thank enough the rail trail volunteers who spend countless hours clearing fallen trees, weed wacking, clearing drainage pipes, picking up garbage, etc. They are truly dedicated to making the trail a beautiful and safe place. Enjoy the trail, especially in the next few months. Its a gorgeous time of year.

Rail Trail Resurfacing

Make sure you say hello to this fellow trail enthusiast between Cottekill Rd and Marcott Rd. He is quite often heard saying hello to hikers.

Owl on the Rail Trail