Volunteers Wanted for our Board of Ambulance Commissioners

volunteers needed

The Town of Marbletown is establishing an independent, governing body (Board of Ambulance Commissioners) to oversee the implementation of a freestanding emergency medical and ambulance service and act in an advisory capacity to the Town Board. The Board of Ambulance Commissioner represent the interests of residents in the review of the annual budget.
If interested contact Michelle [email protected]
View Map, Plan and Report here: https://www.marbletown.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4666/f/uploads/map_plan_and_report_for_the_town_of_marbletown.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3kxBIYkylINZH_r1HtyNMIE95thSeTN62_GelggdSxQx0S9sX7EE8zEgs