Honey, I Shrunk the Lawn!

to reduce your carbon footprint
Pollinator event flyer
Honey I Shrunk The Lawn Aug 25 6:30-8pm
Event Date: 
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Learn why shrinking your lawn is climate smart, supports biodiversity, and can help reverse the crash in pollinator and bird populations. Share ideas about growing native plants, shrubs, trees and unmown grasses, on any scale, from garden to greenhouse, from lawn to meadow, from field to farm.

With LAURA WYETH, horticulturist and
biology instructor at SUNY New Paltz

Use this link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkf-2pqTIqGt21euHLU0xYKT0u7Tr...